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My Interview with Andrea Cefalo

Publié par Léatitia

Hey everyone !

For my second interview, I asked questions to Andrea Cefalo, whose book really impressed me. I made a review of The Fairytale Keeper andI can't wait to read the next one !

1) First, basic question I'd like to ask: How did you know you wanted to become a writer ?

I always enjoyed writing, but it wasn’t like I just knew I was going to be a writer. The idea for The Fairytale Keeper came to me in 2006. I wrote a little of it. Then, life happened: I graduated college, I got a real job, I married my husband, we bought a house. The Fairytale Keeper fell by the wayside.

I got really sick in 2010 and had to leave teaching. I didn’t really know where I fit in to the world after that. If I wasn’t a teacher what was I? Writing had been cathartic for me in the past, so I dusted off my manuscript and got to work. Two years later, I published The Fairytale Keeper.

2) What is your favorite part of the writing process ?

Doing the research has always been my favorite part. The more I learn, the more inspired I am to write. I love weaving history into the narative so readers wonder where fact ends and fiction begins.

3) Did you write something else ? If yes, what kind of book is it ?

I wrote a volume of poetry in high school. It was terrible though. I’m so glad I didn’t publish it. I can only imagine what my parents thought when they listened to me reading those horrible poems. They probably choked back some laughs.

4) Regarding your first book, what was the easiest and the hardest part to write in The Fairytale Keeper ? What was the most challenging ?

Nothing was easy. I was new to all of it. I must have rewritten The Fairytale Keeper a half-dozen times. And I didn’t know anything about publishing—so I had to research that, too. Looking back, it was really quite an accomplishment.

5) Do you identify with your characters ? Which one looks like you the most ?

I think all my characters have either a little bit of me or a little bit of someone I know in them. Adelaide craves fairness like I do, but she’s more outspoken and braver than I ever was.

I’m ashamed to say this, but sometimes I think if I were put in the Middle Ages, I might have behaved like Galadriel.

6) At the end of your book, you explain how you got the idea to write about Grimm's fairytales. I wonder how did you get the idea to link it with History ? I mean, could you have set Adelaide's story in the 21st century?

Setting The Fairytale Keeper in present day would make for a different series entirely.

Adelaide is the fairytale keeper. She is the origin of Grimm’s fairytales. Since the Grimm brothers published their tales in 1812, the story had to take place centuries earlier. It also had to take place in Germany because the stories are German folklore. I started researching places and time periods, and it was really serendipitous that I landed on thirteenth century Cologne. That setting lends itself to great plot.

7) Besides Middle Ages, where would you go if you could use a Time machine ? Why ?

Experience lends itself to good writing. Of course, I would go to the Middle Ages first so I could portray the setting as honestly as possible. But I would love to see the Seven Wonders of the World during construction: the pyramids, Machu Pichu, Petra. I want to know how they were really built.

8) If you were a Grimm's fairytales character, which one would you be ?

Well, since I identify with Galadriel, who plays the real Cinderella in The Fairytale Keeper series, I guess I would have to reluctantly, shamefully say her.

9) What can you tell us about the second book of The Fairytale Keeper' series ? When will it be released ?

As of today, I plan to release The Countess’ Captive on Halloween, The Baseborn Lady on Christmas, and The Traitor’s Target on Valentine’s Day. For those who want a sneak peek, the first chapter of The Countess’s Captive is on my website. http://andreacefalo.com/book-two-the-fairest-of-all/the-first-chapter/.

(I read the first chapter and Oh my gosh ! One of the best debut of second novel in a series I've read :) )

10) Finally what kind of books do you read ? Which one is the last you read ?

I read historical fiction and Medieval history almost exclusively—although I squeeze in a little dystopia every now and then. Right now, I am reading Captive Queen by Alison Weir, Cripsin by Avi, and Travels with a Medieval Queen by Mary Taylor Simeti.

This little interview was really interesting and fun for me, as a budding writer, but also as a reader. Thank you Andrea for your time and your answers.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little interview as much as I do.

Thank you ! Please go read The Fairytale Keeper, share your thoughts about it and enjoy your read if you haven't read this amazing novel !

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